There are many sources of information on the subject of health, and the most important is has certainly now become available on the Internet. We have compiled a series of links which can provide a valuable aid for finding a location and in everyday life. It includes websites for public institutions and associations, and well as for self-help groups.
Links for patient information on the subject of pain
Die deutsche Schmerzliga – The Deutsche Schmerzliga (German Pain League) provides information on the subject of modern pain therapy, about specialist institutions, and also advocates the right of patients to a competent course of treatment. Both political leaders and the general public help them to promote a level of understanding for the problems experienced by people with chronic pain.
Deutsches Grünes Kreuz – (German Green Cross) Here, patients and their families will be informed intensely about pain through comprehensive patient information. Here, they can find out everything about common pain disorders such as back pain or headaches, along with their respective treatment. In addition to this, the patient will be encouraged to take action against his/her pain. There are addresses for self-help groups and pain management therapists, relaxation and movement exercises, and much more.
Deutsche Schmerzhilfe e.V. – The DSH (German Pain Assistance Group) sees itself as a union for chronically ill patients.
Links for patient information on the subject of general health
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung – Internetpräsenz des Bundesministeriums mit vielen nützlichen Informationen zu aktuellen gesundheitspolitischen Themen
Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte – Das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) ist eine selbständige Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung. Ziel ist die Abwehr von Gesundheitsgefahren durch die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Sicherheit von Arzneimitteln und die Risikoüberwachung von Medizinprodukten sowie die Überwachung des Betäubungsmittel- und Grundstoffverkehrs. – führt zu qualitätsgeprüften Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet. Das Portal besteht aus einfach aufgebauten und durchsuchbaren Übersichten mit mehr als 1000 verlässlichen Informationsquellen unterschiedlicher Krankheiten, deren Qualität gemeinsam mit Patienten bewertet wird.
Links for patient information on the subject of cancer
Die Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKG) – The Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKG – German Cancer Association) is the largest scientific and oncology specialist organisation in Germany, based in Frankfurt am Main. It has around 5,000 members. The DKG is a public health institution which imposes its influence for the benefit of cancer patients as part of its committee work alongside politicians, specialist organisations, service and product providers both in the healthcare market and with patients.
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum – The DKFZ (German Cancer Research Centre) is the largest biomedical research institute in Germany. The results of this fundamental research will lead to new approaches in the prevention, diagnosis, and the therapy of tumours.
Krankenkassen-Zentrale – Information on CBD and cancer, as i.e. how to use, dosage and side effects.
Links for patient information on the subject of thalassemia
Links for self-help groups